Our Values


Fraternity can mean something different to each person, at Sigma Alpha Epsilon we pride ourselves in not only having Fraternity amongst our members, but amongst the all Greek Organizations on the campus in which our chapters are located.


Similar to Fraternity, Brotherhood is not an easily definable term. For Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iowa Delta, we find pride in our ability for our members to connect with each other in many aspects outside of school. Many Iowa Delta Alumni would consider the relationships that they made during their time with our organization to be life-long. There is a reason that SAE Membership does not expire after you graduate, you earn the title of being a Brother forever, which means that your connections to that brotherhood are also immortalized.

Service and Philanthropy

Service and Philanthropy always has been the backbone of every chapter of SAE across the Nation. Currently, the Iowa Delta Chapter partners with Drake University’s Gregory & Suzie Glazer Burt Boys & Girls Club. Every semester, the True Gentlemen make an extraordinary effort to make a positive impact in their communities and organizations, both at home and wherever they may be.


Social Activities have been a core component of not only SAE, but Greek Life as a whole since each organizations respective founding. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iowa Delta is no different in this regard. While our members make a strong consistent effort to be involved in their local chapter, service & philanthropy, and academically, it is important to make sure that as a Chapter we continue to build on our Social Skills and to make connections with a wide range of people. This is also done so that way every person who interacts with an SAE, they leave that interaction feeling like they met a True Gentleman and they understand why Brothers are proud to be apart of our outstanding organization.